torsdag 6 mars 2014

Sprites again?

If you've been following this blog, you will know a fair bit about the sprites I've been making. Last week I talked about the level two sprite. The logical progression is that today I will be talking about the level three sprite, which I will.

The level three sprite was a mixed bag of obstacles. The weapon she would be using had no clear concept at all, the only thing that was set in stone was that it was supposed to be attached to the main character's arm. There was also the recurring problem of not having enough room on a 64x64 pixel big sprite to show any significant progression. What worked in my favor was that since the gun is attached to the character's arm I could use the level one sprite as a base on which the level three sprite was made. I only had to move around her arms a bit to create the pose and from there on out it was smooth sailing. You can see the similarities below.
Level three (left) compared to level one (right)
Making the gun was interesting because, as I said, I had no direction to start in. This meant that I had to experiment quite a bit. Unfortunately I have nothing to show from those experiments but there are still some remnants in the final version. The spool of thread on side was one of the first things I added. Maybe it has some interaction with the weapon or maybe she uses it while she works, since she is a tailor. The spool felt a bit too heavy on it's own, so I added a counterweight to the other side. The pipe was originally bigger, but it felt to cumbersome to be carrying around on ones wrist, so I made it smaller.

If you look at the image I've provided you can see what I've done to show the progression of the character. The scarf/blanket on her is added at level two, which I unfortunately don't have a picture of at hand. In my previous post there is a picture of the level two sprite, but it is not the most updated version. Anyways, what is added at level three is most notably a leather glove with brass clasps that covers her whole lower arm. She also has a piece of cloth attached with brass bracelets on her right arm. It is still fairly hard to tell what they are supposed to resemble, but in the game we will have some high resolution pictures which hopefully will make the player understand what everything is supposed to be.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej Esbjörn!

    Låter som en intressant idé att ha vapnet fäst vid armen som högsta uppgradering. Det känns med ens lite mer hightech när det fästs vid kroppen. Hade ni inga konceptbilder till vapnen alls? Jag har för mig att jag har sett bilder till era vapen, men de kanske var klara efter den här spriten? Synd att du inte kunde visa några av experimentbilderna - det hade varit trevligt att se arbetsprocessen och var vapnet började innan det blev bestämt.

    Något jag funderade över i level tre spriten är att jag inte kan skilja på vad som är vapnet eller kläder. Främst då du beskriver vapnet som fäst vid armen, och sedan att större delen av armen är klädd i en läderhandske. Jag har svårt att skilja på vad som är handske och vad som är vapen. Är det bara ett litet vapen, eller något större? Högre uppgraderingar i vapen tenderar ju att bli större, så därför antog jag först att handsken också var en del av vapnet, tills jag läste att det var en handske. Du låter också lite osäker på vad trådspolen är menad att göra på vapnet. Har den en anledning att vara där? Skjuter vapnet tråd och nål?

    En annan grej jag noterade är att karaktärens hår tycks förändras och bli ljusare. Är detta ett medvetet val? Första spritens linjer känns även tjockare - starkare - än den för level tre.

    Ska bli spännande att se mer av ert projekt i framtiden! Lycka till med arbetet.

